Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Herrick primary schools work's

Children's Work

Autumn Term 2007

This is Larry the lobster in his habitat. He lives in a fish tank in my grandad’s house in Leicester. By Connor Naylor

Larry has big, spiky whiskers and a shiny, golden eye. He is olive green in colour with orange speckles. Although he looks fierce he is quite harmless.

Remembrance Day - Homework
November is the time of the year when we wear a red poppy in memory of those who sacrificed their lives for us during the wars.

Remembrance Day is on the 11th November.
At 11 a.m. everyone is silent for 2 minutes to remember those who died in wars. Throughout the world the poppy is associated with the remembrance of those who died in order to free us.
Anika Dattani

In Year 3 and 4, the children are learning about a small village in India called Chembakolli.

Chembakolli is a small village in Tamil Nadu, in south east India.
Year 6 Pupils have been warned!

Year 6 pupils from Herrick Primary School last week visited the ‘Warning Zone’. They spent the afternoon of Wednesday 31st October 2007 in Syston, learning how to keep themselves safe.

After being put into groups of six or seven, they watched a short video all about coping with peer pressure.

The children entered different rooms – each one had a different scene. They spent 12 minutes in each room where they were told all about how to stay safe, by a volunteer group leader.

One of the zones involved the children understanding how to behave near railway lines. If they did go onto the track, they could be killed by a train but they will definitely be arrested and fined £1000. The zone featured ‘ghosts’ who talked to the pupils about how they were killed by trespassing onto the railway track.

Other zones included a litter filled graveyard, a building site, a kitchen, and a bedroom, a street scene, the seaside, a dark short-cut, as well as an electricity sub-station.

When asked what they felt about the visit, Samarpan Parekh, aged 10, replied, “It was a really fantastic experience.” Kishan Panchal, also aged 10 added, “At the end we were given a ‘Warning Zone’ information bag which was great.” Aman Arora (10) mentioned, “We learnt a lot about how to keep ourselves safe.” Rahil Suba (10) exclaimed,
“We want to visit here again.”

Herrick School obviously enjoyed this opportunity and the charity which runs the ‘Warning Zone’ hopes that other Year 6 pupils get a chance to visit the centre.

Reporters: Rahil Suba, Aman Arora, Samarpan Parekh and Kishan Panchal.


Herrick Art Days
Whole School Art Days were held on Thursday 28th June and Friday 29th June.
The children had an opportunity to work with a variety of different Art media and explore a creative learning environment.
Both days were packed with different Art workshops including Ceremics in KS1 and Silk Printing in KS2.
Well done and thank you to all for participating.
Key Stage One

We used all kinds of materials ranging from plastic bottles to cereal and juice boxes

worked very hard

…and turned them creatively into very attractive pieces of art

We made symmetrical butterflies and various other insects using glitter and shiny paper

We also made some beautiful hand puppets
decorating them with glitter and sparkles

Key Stage 2

We learned how to do silk painting

We made wire sculptures and created a variety of 3D models.

We made models out of our drawings using foil and clay
This story was written by Tejal Visana in Year 3 Oak

Currently Yr3/4 are learning about Magnets and Springs. They have created this display to show how springs work.
This powerpoint presentation was created by Hemal Patel in Class Oak

FS1 and FS2 drew pictures of 'Ourselves'
Year 1 pupils are learning how to read and make graphs.
Each child in class Beech chose the place that they would most like Barnaby Bear to visit on his holidays. We recorded our different answers on a tally chart.

We used these totals in the 2-simple computer program to show our information as a graph.

Chosen holiday
/ / /
/ /
The desert
/ / / /
Alton Towers
/ / /
Drayton Manor
/ / / / /
The seaside
/ / / /
Twin Lakes
/ / /

From our graphs, we saw that
Drayton Manor
was the most popular holiday choice.

Year 2 Pupils have created some fantastic Firework Pictures.

Year 2 children have been learnig about Healthy Eating in Science..

Healthy food
Healthy food gives us some energy.
There are four main groups of food eating a good mixture of them keeps us healthy.

by onkar.

Healthy food

Healthy food is vegetables, fruit and chicken these gives us energy and growth.
Milk helps your bones to grow.

From Kalvin Nagra

In Literacy the Year 3 and 4 classes are looking at instructional text this week. We looked at the features of this text and have today followed a recipe to make Gingerbread People.

In ICT the Year 3 and 4 children are doing a unit of work on 'Combining Text with Graphics'
Haroun and Yudhist have started by writing an imaginary conversation wth an imaginary friend. They tried to use other words instead of 'said'
This is what they have written:
”Hey, Tyron you having a nice day?” Drake asked”Yeah, how `bout you?”
Tyron replied ’Fine, by the way you wanna a game of footie?’ Drake asked.’Aaaaar, I tired of playing footie all day and everyday, can’t we play something else like basketball?’ Tyron moaned.’Sure, why not, I’m getting kinda tired of footie aswell.’ Drake replied cheerfully.”Ok, lets gooo!” Tyron shouted.’Can, I play?’ Sarah Moaned.’Fine….’ Drake sighed.’YAAAAY!’ Sarah bellowed in excitement.’Sarah you can be on Tyron’s side stick me, k?’ Drake announced.’Tywon, over here!’ Sarah roared in excitement.’’Sarah, take it!!!’
Tyron exclaimed. Copyright © Haroun and Yudhist
We have also been looking at pictures of the ancient world on a search engine and inserting our own text.This is the work that Samid and Shivam did.

This is what the bow and arrow looked like in ancient times.

This is a world of
all the ancient Gods.

By Samed and Shivam

Year 5 and 6 Willow have been looking at modelling packages. This is some of the work they have done.
We have been using an object-based graphics package called Spex+ to model real life situations. We have designed a variety of rooms in houses and schools, gardens, streets, lunar landscapes, play areas and swimming pools on screen. We have learned skills such as ‘move’, ‘drag and drop’ and ‘rotate’. We have also been learning about the relationship between 2D plans and 3D pictures, and are starting to think about how items of furniture in a room relate spatially in 2D and 3D.

Rahul Patel, Year 6
Plan view

3D view

Ashini Shah, Year 5

Plan view

3D view

Cameron Basra and Dannijet Singh, Year 5

Plan view

3D view
Ridhi Shukla, Year 6

Plan view

3D view

Dillon Patel, Year 6

Plan view

3D view

Vinay Damani, Year 6

Plan view

3D view

Year 6 Pupil writes about Shadows...............
I ran and ran and ran. Twigs were thrust at my scratched face, but I kept going. If I stopped, IT would get me. I felt a searing pain at my side, and I would collapse if I went much further. I could hear pounding feet behind me. A gnarled, black hand grasped my hair. I screamed in pain.
“STOP!” I yelled.
“Elle!” yelled my mother. “Wake UP!”
My eyelids flickered open. My mother loomed above me, her hand on my shoulder. I blinked, and realized there were tears in my eyes. I had been having these nightmares for weeks now, but nobody had found out. In my village, only babies had nightmares. Now my mum had found out.
“Elle,” said my mum soothingly, “What was your dream about?”
“I…I’m not sure,” I lied.
“Tell me,” said mum. Firmly.
I drooped in my bed.
“I was running in a forest,” I explained, “There was a black creature pounding after me…he-it got me just before you woke me up.”
My mums face was pale and sweaty.
“Elle,” she said slowly, tears appearing in her eyes,”I am going to tell you everything. I am sorry I kept the truth from you.”
She retreated out of the room. Confused, I followed her. She was climbing up the attic stairs. I waited at the bottom. Us kids were strictly forbidden to go up there, but mum beckoned me up. She explained to me ancient story which I wish I hadn’t heard. I suppose I’d better tell you.
Many centuries ago, one of my ancestors angered a powerful shaman.
He had sent a terrible beast after all his descendants. Only one person could kill the monsters. A child born on the 2/06/96. Me. This person would have dreams about the creatures, called Shadowers. But there was some help. A magical ring had been passed down, generation to generation. It was time for me to take the ring, and let it guide me to victory.
It was terribly scary for me. I set off the next day, with a bag of food, 3 bottles of water, and, of course, the ring. It led me to the sacred mountains of Shella, burning furiously when I reached a hollow, worn-out cave. I cautiously stepped inside. I was tired out of my brain, my supplies had run out, and only the warmth of the ring kept me going.
Suddenly, I was grabbed from behind. A Shadower had grabbed me. I threw the ring behind my shoulder. I don’t know why. It burned and died. More Shadowers appeared, all blending into a Shaman.
“You have proved yourself worthy,” he said, “I shall lift the curse.” He clicked his fingers and disappeared.
Elle was trembling with excitement. She had saved her family. She was going home alive.
Zahra Kidy
We will write more about our school.

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